Spoons and Kemeticism

I had a few nights recently where I “fell off the wagon.”  I didn’t do my nightly devotions.  I can blame my bipolar symptoms and stress at work, but they were still choices that I made.  Maybe I just didn’t allot my spoons well for those days.  I’ve been finding recently that I’ve run short of spoons a few days.  I don’t expect it, and Wham!  I need to be better at planning out my days so as to avoid that.  I don’t always know when a low mood or a rush of anger is going to hit, so I should keep some in reserve.

Anyways, I’ve been reading up on Kemeticism lately.  Ma’at, “Don’t be a dick,” being involved in community, and all that jazz.  I think I would like to incorporate more of that into my life.  I’m not sure exactly how to do that.  I guess preparing for low spoons days would be part of ma’at.  Writing this blog and being a member of eCauldron is about all the kemetic community that I’m doing.  I read a bunch of kemetic blogs and follow a few people on Tumblr, but I never actually respond to anything.  I don’t want to label myself as Kemetic unless/until I feel I’m really living that lifestyle.  There is a general ritual written by a kemetic that I thought I might try, though I need to do some prep work for it.

I’ve been thinking about trying to divide my practice up again by culture.  I would like to honor Everyone by Their cultural standards.  It just takes a lot of spoons.  I’ll have to think about how to slowly adjust to it.  I really need to just try things.  Thinking about them only gets me so far.

5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sashataakheru
    Mar 28, 2014 @ 02:25:47

    I’ve been slowly building my practice up from the basics over the past year or so. Started with daily rites, and slowly began to bring in monthly and seasonal practices/festival rites. I did only have one pantheon to deal with, but just take it slow, and find what you can handle and stick with it. Don’t push yourself to do big rituals all the time if you don’t have the energy for it; I burnt myself out trying that once. FYI, you might also want to look at the shortform version of my generic Kemetic rite too, if you’re trying to balance things with different pantheons without running out of spoons.


    • Emily
      Mar 28, 2014 @ 04:38:23

      Thanks, I will take a look at the short form. I’ve been inhaling so much information, I think it’s time for me to move forward a bit with some of my practices. My Book of Doors deck seems to agree. Either I need to work on my writing, or Djehuty wants some attention because He keeps turning up in the cards. I know I need to do the first one, and hopefully the second one is true, too. Either way, I want to give the Netjeru more specific attention. Thanks for your comment. I’m kind of embarrassed, but I’m a huge fan of your blog and your dreamwidth stuff. Thanks!


      • Sashataakheru
        Mar 29, 2014 @ 09:18:45

        Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Have you thought of perhaps offering writing time to Djehuty? Maybe sitting down for, IDK, fifteen minutes every day and just writing whatever you feel like. I know people have dedicated study time to Him, and I’ve also offered Him writing time as well, if I feel I need His help. Offerings of time and effort can go a long way, too.

      • Emily
        Mar 29, 2014 @ 13:36:57

        I’ve offered writing time to Him, but your idea of a short time everyday is a great one. I’ll have to try it out. Thanks. ^_^

      • Sashataakheru
        Mar 29, 2014 @ 14:13:15

        It comes from my valiant attempts at maintaining a daily writing practice, which I am not very good at. But yeah, it’s just the act of sitting down every day, even if it’s just for a short time. Which I really need to get back into doing, but yes. I am busy with bedroom reno, and I feel I am doing enough devotional work for the time being.

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